Fooled again.
That CNN poll showing that Romney would beat Obama today in a hypothetical match really got Republicans dreaming. They ignore that Romney would lose in a hypothetical match against former secretary of state Hillary Clinton by 55 percent to 42 percent, and instead focus on how Romney would beat Obama in a hypothetical match. So they’re trying to sell Romney fever again. Romney is so popular, they tell us, that he’s out stumping for Republicans, while they claim no one wants to be seen with Obama.
So there, Obama! Take your 2012 mandate and shove it, because in a hypothetical match up, Romney totally unskewed that election!
Republican whisperer Robert Costa at the Washington Post reported that Mitt Romney is “emerging as one of the Republican Party’s most in-demand campaign surrogates.” He contrasted this with the fact that many Democrats are avoiding an “unpopular” President Obama. Since this is happening in areas where Republicans like Mitch McConnell are desperately trying to run against President Obama because his constituents conveniently believe the Republican lies about this President, it’s not hard to understand. But get back to me when Republicans use Mitt Romney to campaign in the inner city or hardcore Democratic areas. That’s apples to apples.
At any rate, the Mittpalooza is on, babies! Ro-mentum is real. 2016 is riiiight there. Per Costa:
Over three days in mid-August, Romney will campaign for GOP Senate and gubernatorial candidates in West Virginia, North Carolina and Arkansas, aides said. In September, he is planning visits to the presidential swing states of Colorado and Virginia.
Romney is filling up his October schedule, as well. Senate hopefuls in Iowa and New Hampshire are eager for him to return before November’s midterms, while Romney is weighing trips to other Senate battlegrounds. At least one high-profile Senate campaign said it has produced a television advertisement featuring Romney ready to air in the fall.
“Democrats don’t want to be associated with Barack Obama right now, but Republicans are dying to be associated with Mitt Romney,” said Spencer Zwick, a longtime Romney confidant who chaired his national finance council.
He added: “Candidates, campaigns and donors in competitive races are calling saying, ‘Can we get Mitt here?’ They say, ‘We’ve looked at the polling, and Mitt Romney moves the needle for us.’ That’s somewhat unexpected for someone who lost the election.”Republicans will believe anything, apparently, except reality. No science, no medicine, no physics, no history — but Ro-mentum! All of this because of one poll. As if it weren’t skewed, inaccurate polls that got them into this mess in the first place. Get back to us when Republicans use him in Los Angeles, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, or any other Democratic stronghold.
But really. A hypothetical poll of an existing entity versus a fantasy entity is sort of like believing that the fantasy partner one has never had is a viable, better alternative to someone with whom one is in a long term relationship. It’s juvenile, childish and predictable, because people believe the grass is greener in their imagination.
Reality check: If there were an actual election right now with Mitt Romney in it, he would be in the news, and being in the news was never a positive thing for Mitt Romney. Thus, the public would be reminded of his out-of-touch cluelessness and his snide, sneering contempt for them. His wife would be lecturing them about the Romneys’ entitlement. The people would not be happy with the Royals.
As it is, the public has been beaten over the head with phony Obama scandals and a DC that is not working, disturbing foreign policy issues and not enough good paying jobs.
None of these things would be fixed with Mitt Romney at the helm.
Republicans might want to note that the CNN poll was heavy on landlines (622 to 350 on cells), which favors the older, typically Republican voter, and that still, Democratic Congressional candidates were consistently ahead of Republicans. That is the only election actually coming up in reality, and therefor the only election that is relevant. But it’s also relevant that Republicans continue to believe that Obama is massively unpopular. They believed this going into 2012. The media believed it, too. They had polls to back up their beliefs. But those polls were skewed Republican.
Right now, Congressional Democrats are raising money off of Republican attacks on President Obama. They ask supporters to have Obama’s back. They are getting Obama voters motivated to go to the polls — people who usually stay home in midterms. They would not be doing that if Obama were massively unpopular. The midterms favor Republicans, but Republicans are doing everything in their power do destroy their advantage, including attaching themselves to Mitt Romney. The Democrats only need five seconds to remind the public of why they chose Obama.
Does the public fantasize about a different person in the White House magically making Republicans do their jobs and thus changing things? Of course they do. That’s the entire point of the Republican obstruction. But only the very childish believe in comparing fantasy to reality. So, that means that Republicans are giddily shoving Mitt Romney out there.
The echoes of President Obama should warn them as Democrats smile, “Please proceed.”
Please Proceed: Republicans Hysterically Decide To Make Mitt Romney The Face of 2014 was written by Sarah Jones for PoliticusUSA.
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