David Barton - Glenn Beck's favorite "historian" - is a discredited fraud.
Which makes his new ascent terrifying.
Back when Glenn Beck was
one of the most admired men in America and
Fox News’ No. 1 celebrity, he introduced to the nation at large a
“historian,” well known among the Christian right, by the name of David
Barton, who claims to have documentary evidence that the founders based
the Constitution explicitly on the Bible.
Beck often referred to a group
known as the “black-robed regiment,” which was composed of priests and
clergy who were revolutionary sympathizers, comparing today’s
conservative preachers to what he implied were clergymen-soldiers in the
secular liberal war on the Constitution.
Beck called upon David
Barton to head what he called Beck University, an online course for
those who wanted to educate themselves in the Beck school of thought.
Let’s just say it wasn’t the curriculum you’d find at most schools of
higher learning. (You can hear one of
David Barton’s “lectures” here, where he tells the Beck U students that American exceptionalism springs from its Christian theocratic principles.)
Barton quickly became the toast of Wingnuttia.
He was invited to participate in Tea Party events all over the country
and even held a constitutional seminar for the 2010 incoming freshman
class at the invitation of congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
The New York Times featured him in
a glowing profile that only mentioned in passing that his alleged scholarship was, shall we say, controversial:
professional historians dismiss Mr. Barton, whose academic degree is in
Christian education from Oral Roberts University, as a biased amateur
who cherry-picks quotes from history and the Bible.
“The problem
with David Barton is that there’s a lot of truth in what he says,” said
Derek H. Davis, director of church-state studies at Baylor University, a
Baptist institution in Waco, Tex. “But the end product is a lot of
distortions, half-truths and twisted history.”
a very generous way of putting it. Unfortunately, his notoriety also
brought new scrutiny to his alleged scholarship and that didn’t work out
too well as you might imagine. Here’s just one example of his so-called
scholarship being debunked by Chris Rodda, the senior researcher for
the Military Religious Freedom Foundation,
via Media Matters.
She challenged Barton’s insistence that Thomas Jefferson dated his
presidential papers with the phrase “in the year of our Lord Christ,”
which indicated that the notorious theist was really a super-Christian
(what with the added “Christ” and all).
According to
Rodda, the truth is quite different: Jefferson took pains to omit “in
the year of our Lord” in his documents, instead using phrases like “in
the Christian computation,” and “of the Christian epoch.” Further,
according to Rodda, the evidence Barton provided of Jefferson
purportedly using the phrase is, in fact, a preprinted form that
Jefferson had no input into creating.
This is the
quality of constitutional scholarship that pervades the conservative
movement these days: simple, outright lies that allege that this country
was not founded on certain Enlightenment principles and the hard won
experience of men and women who were exceedingly familiar with the
bloody consequences of church and state being entwined. It was, in
their reckoning, conceived as a straight-up Christian nation, full stop.
the good news in all this is that such craziness of the Tea Party fire
is pretty much burned out and we don’t have to worry too much about this
crazy stuff, right? After all, today they’re just a group of
libertarian isolationists who want to work with the left to take our
country back from the wealthy elites. (And, who knows, maybe there
really are a few like that out there.) But the makeup of the Tea Party
remains the same as it ever was; it is simply the latest iteration of the far right. And as religious right observer Sarah Posner adroitly
understand why the Tea Party resonates with the religious right and
vice versa, one must understand how the anti-government rhetoric of the
Tea Party movement is driven by a fundamental tenet of Christian
reconstructionism: that there are certain God-ordained spheres – family,
church and government – and that government has exceeded the authority
God gave it, to the detriment of church, family and the individual,
whose rights, both Tea Partiers and religious right-ists maintain, are
granted by God, not the government.
This notion that the federal
government – not only godless, but in flagrant violation of God’s will –
is “tyrannical” and needs to be overthrown resonates from militias to
the John Birch Society to the podiums of religious-right gatherings
where Republican presidential hopefuls jockey for the support of the
faithful. To fail to see the religious roots of the Tea Party mantra –
or the ways in which it reverberates as a divine imperative – is to
blind oneself to a fundamental feature of American conservatism.
If you would like to see how this is being expressed in our current election cycle, look no further than
this fine fellow,
the Tea Party-endorsed talk radio host Jody Hice, who is running for
Congress in Georgia’s 10th District. Jay Bookman at the Atlanta Journal
tells us:
Islam has a religious component, it is much more than a simple
religious ideology,” Hice wrote in his 2012 book. “It is a complete
geo-political structure and, as such, does not deserve First Amendment
as Ed Kilgore points out,
he’s not the only one down there in Georgia running on a Christian
right platform. In the 11th District, Barry Loudermilk is in a runoff
with former impeachment manager Bob Barr (who also happens to be an
actual, real live libertarian) and he’ a true believer too:
is an eager member of the Glenn Beck wing of the GOP. He is also an
apostle of faux historian David Barton, who preaches that the U.S.
Constitution is a document intended to create a conservative Christian
government. Like Hice, they reject the notion of a separation between
Christianity and state, and argue that the First Amendment was intended
only to keep government from favoring one particular Christian
And just in case anyone has doubts about how fringey these ideas really are,
the words of a potential GOP 2016 presidential candidate ought to bring you up short:
almost wish that there would be, like, a simultaneous telecast, and all
Americans would be forced–forced at gunpoint no less–to listen to every
David Barton message, and I think our country would be better for it. I
wish it’d happen.” – Mike Huckabee
Back in 2012
Barton’s book “The Jefferson Papers” was finally challenged by Christian
conservative scholars and his so-called credibility took a hit. But he
wasn’t down for long. He came back with presentations to state
legislators in Kansas and Missouri and appeared at major Right to Life
gatherings. Soon he was seen huddling in prayer with perhaps his most
important connection, Sen.
Ted Cruz:
not in a position to opine on academic disputes between historians, but
I can tell you that David Barton is a good man, a courageous leader and
a friend,” Cruz told POLITICO. “David’s historical research has helped
millions rediscover the founding principles of our nation and the
incredible sacrifices that men and women of faith made to bequeath to us
the freest and most prosperous nation in the world.”
They aren’t done yet.
Right Wing Watch has published a thorough dossier on Barton if you’d like to read further.
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