Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Joe Scarborough Finally Appears On Fox Where He Belongs

By Heather

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough looked right at home on Fox's The Kelly File, where he was pushing his new book this Tuesday night.

When I saw that Joe Scarborough was appearing on Fox's The Kelly File, my first thoughts were please lord someone tell me he's found a new home there. Sadly he was just there to push his new book and talk over Megyn Kelly, since his regular co-host Mika Brzezinski wasn't around to put up with his abuse as she does every morning.

Apparently Scarborough isn't quite "conservative" enough to suit the right because he hasn't fully embraced every wingnut talking head on Faux "news" and right-wing hate talker and he's dared to occasionally go against some of the talking points they're all repeating day in and day out.

From Fox's blog: Megyn Kelly to Joe Scarborough: How Can You Be a Conservative If You’re At War With GOP Icons?:
Megyn Kelly tonight took on MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, asking him how he would react to Republicans that think he’s a “faux conservative.”
“We had 10 years of big government Republicanism, and what people found out was after the Bush years that big government Republicanism was as bad as big government liberalism, and I was always critical of the Republican establishment,” Scarborough said.
“How can you be a true conservative if […] you’re at war with so many of the conservative icons?” Kelly asked, citing Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
Scarborough said he’s not at war with them, and that he has consistently been a small government conservative.
“I’m conservative when Republicans are in the White House. I’m conservative when Democrats are in the White House,” he said.

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