Monday, December 23, 2013

2 Star General + 2 Foreign Women + Booze = He’s Fired

Fired 2-star general in charge of nuclear arsenal spent week drunk with ‘two hot women’

By Scott Kaufman
Saturday, December 21, 2013 15:10 EST

This morning, the Inspector General of the Air Force released its report on the dismissal of Major General Michael J. Carey, who had been in charge of overseeing the United State’s arsenal of intercontinental missiles.

His firing caused concern in conservative circles that the Obama administration was creating a “martial-law-ready military.” At the time, the Air Force would only reveal what he hadn’t been fired for, including sexual misconduct, adultery, or abusing illegal drugs.

Today’s report indicates that his dismissal was predicated on his behavior during a trip to Russia in July of 2013 for a “Military Cooperation Working Group Event.” The United States and Russian Federation (RF) were to conduct exercises demonstrating their ability to safely transport nuclear warheads.

According to the report, instead of leading the U.S. delegation, Carey spent the majority of the exercise intoxicated. He drank both on the plane to Zurich and in the Zurich airport. The next day, he had drinks at the Marriott, then left to have drinks at the Ritz Carlton, where he met “two foreign national women.”

After being late for the next day’s lunch, he made “comments regarding Syria and Mr. Eric Snowden that were not well received by the RF,” as well as “comments regarding lovely ladies that were concerning to some members of the delegation.” Witnesses claim he had significantly more to drink than his counterparts, and that he had loudly announced having met “two hot women” the night before.

When the delegation toured a monastery, Carey “was slurring his speech and continually interrupting the tour guide.” At Red Square, Carey “was lagging behind” and declaring that he “didn’t want to walk around Red Square.” Other members of the delegation described him “as pouting and sulking.”

The delegation left Red Square to attend dinner at La Cantina, during which “Carey was drinking alcohol and kept trying to get the band to let him play with them.” He then left the delegation and joined the “two hot women” from the previous evening, with whom he drank and danced with until approximately 3 a.m.

Carey was late for the initial briefing again the next morning, and was rude throughout it. He attempted to correct the translators, using “an American TV ad ‘Can you hear me now’ to make a point but it was not received well.”

When interviewed by the Inspector General’s office, Carey claims not to remember having behaved in this manner, to which the office responded that he “had a poor recall of significant events, perhaps due to his alcohol consumption, or was untruthful during the interview.”

In either case, the report concluded that Carey had violated Article 133 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, conduct unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman.
[Image via the U.S. Air Force]

Scott Kaufman
Scott Kaufman
Scott Eric Kaufman is the proprietor of the AV Club's Internet Film School and, in addition to Raw Story, also writes for Lawyers, Guns & Money. He earned a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of California, Irvine in 2008.

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