Yet again Republicans chose to kowtow to their NRA puppet masters and a mentally unstable assortment of wannabe Rambo shitkickers by voting down basic background checks that 91 percent of America support. Due to procedural obstructionism, Republicans were able to prevent the 60 votes needed for the Manchin-Toomey Amendment to pass, with a final vote of 54 in favor and 46 opposed.
It should be noted that Four Republicans voted in favor of the measure, including Sens. Collins, McCain, Toomey and Kirk. But, even more importantly, 4 Democrats voted against it, including Sens. Heitkamp, Pryor, Baucus, and Begich.
Thus, proving my point that both Republicans and Democrats are married to guns. But regarding the gun marriage, while Democrats have a typical marriage where they rarely have sex anymore, Republicans are on still on their honeymoon and that honeymoon is in freaking Gitmo: indefinite and with no end in sight.
The Tea Party poorly co-opted the esprit de corps of the founders by mistakenly protesting ‘No Taxation With Representation’ (They’re really against Big Prepositions), because with 91 percent of Americans calling for gun background checks and Republicans–including Four Democrats–proudly giving them the middle finger, then we have no representation in the first place. What we essentially have are a bunch of idiot man-children taking their cues from equally idiotic man-children in NRA brass due to the fact that they fear getting Primaried by even dumber man-children.
In short, the majority of Republicans and four Democrats who voted against the bill have confirmed the ‘revolving door’ system that infects America more than Honey Boo Boo; that is, their time in Congress is merely a public internship for when they get the real good paying job as a lobbyist down the line.
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