By Alan Grayson
We won. And our victory last night was the biggest comeback in the history of the U.S. House of Representatives.
In 2010, we lost by 18 points. In 2012, last night, we won by 25
points, 62.5% to 37.5%. That’s a 43-point swing, back to victory.
No one has ever done that before. We made history.
Our polling shows that we won every county, every municipality,
every race, every age group, every language group and each gender. We
won it all.
So to every voter, thank you.
To the 100,000 supporters who contributed this campaign, whether it was a dollar or $5,000, thank you.
To the volunteers who made more than a quarter of a million live phone calls to get out our vote, thank you.
To our brilliant canvassing staff of fifty, who have knocked on doors every single day since March, thank you.
To the thousands of people who wrote to us to give your advice or
express your support, or forwarded our e-mails to your friends, or
followed our campaign on Facebook, thank you.
To everyone who marches behind the standards of justice, equality and peace, thank you.
If you helped in any way, large or small, then you can savor this sweet moment. You made it happen.
Congratulations to Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Tammy
Baldwin, Sherrod Brown and Tammy Duckworth. Goodbye, Allen West.
I have a feeling that this won’t be the only time that we make
history. In fact, if we all work together this way, you can count on it.
Alan Grayson
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